Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to invigorate en español


invigorate verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
invigorated, has invigorated, is invigorating, invigorates
vigorizar, animar

Ejemplos de uso de
invigorate verb

  • A brisk walk in the cool morning air always invigorates me.
  • He was invigorated by the positive feedback.
  • The mayor has plans to invigorate the downtown economy.

Sinónimos de
invigorate verb

Sinónimos detallados para invigorate verb

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Traducción inversa para to invigorate

vigorizar  - to strengthen, to invigorate 
animar  - to encourage, to inspire, to animate, to enliven, to brighten up, to cheer up 
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