unir, juntar; unirse; lindar con, colindar con; empalmar (dícese de las carreteras), confluir (dícese de los ríos); reunirse con, encontrarse con; hacerse socio de (una organización), afiliarse a (un partido), entrar en (una empresa)
Ejemplos de uso de
•The islands are joined by a bridge.
•He insisted that I join them for lunch.
•We're going out for lunch. Would you like to join us?
•The magician asked for a volunteer from the audience to join him on stage.
•Everyone here joins me in congratulating you on a job well done!
•The singer started alone but soon the whole audience joined in.
•I joined the line and waited patiently to buy a ticket.
•Hundreds of people have joined the effort to save the building from demolition.