Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster
to learn one's lesson
para aprender la propia lección
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learn verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
learned, has learned, is learning, learns
aprender; aprender de memoria; enterarse, saber; enterarse de

Ejemplos de uso de
learn verb

  • Children learn to read and write in school.
  • I can't swim yet, but I'm learning.
  • She's interested in learning French.
  • We had to learn the rules of the game.
  • I'm trying to learn my lines for the play.
  • We had to learn the names of the state capitals.
  • She learned through a letter that her father had died.
  • I later learned that they had never called.
  • We finally learned the truth about what had happened.
  • People learn throughout their lives.
¿Sabías esto?
  • El verbo learn denota el proceso de adquirir una nueva habilidad o conocimiento. Por ejemplo: He learned English (el adquirió la habilidad de hablar inglés). She learned how to ride a bicycle.
    El verbo study denota aprendizaje o investigación que va más allá de adquirir habilidades básicas o conocimiento básico. Por ejemplo: They study English (ellos aprenden la historia del lenguaje, literatura inglesa, etc.). She studied the cause of the illness (ella investigó la causa de la enfermedad).

one adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
un, una; mismo, misma; alguno, alguna; un

Ejemplos de uso de
one adjective

  • There is one minute left in the game.
  • I have a few one-dollar bills in my purse.
  • She is one year old.

Sinónimos de
one adjective

lesson noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
clase, curso; lección

Ejemplos de uso de
lesson noun

  • The book is divided into 12 lessons.
  • She took piano lessons for years.
  • He talks about political leaders who have failed to learn the lessons of history.
  • I've learned my lesson—I'll never do that again!
  • Let that be a lesson to you—if you don't take better care of your toys they'll get broken!

Sinónimos de
lesson noun