Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to reinstate en español


reinstate verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
reinstated, has reinstated, is reinstating, reinstates
reintegrar, restituir (una persona); restablecer (un servicio, etc.)

Ejemplos de uso de
reinstate verb

  • After his name was cleared, he was reinstated as committee chairperson.
  • The school board voted to reinstate the school's uniform policy.
  • the year the death penalty was reinstated

Sinónimos de
reinstate verb

Traducción inversa para to reinstate

reintegrar  - to reintegrate, reinstate, to refund, to reimburse, to repay 
restituir  (una persona) - to return, to restore, to reinstate 
restablecer  (un servicio, etc.) - to reestablish, to restore 
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