Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para to sag en español


sag verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
sagged, has sagged, is sagging, sags
combarse, hundirse, inclinarse; colgar, caer; flaquear, decaer
word of the day image
Tree branches sagging with snow

Ejemplos de uso de
sag verb

  • The roof is sagging in the middle.
  • The economy began to sag.
  • As all our efforts failed, our spirits sagged.

Sinónimos de
sag verb

Traducción inversa para to sag

combarse  - to bend, to buckle, to warp, to bulge, to sag 
hundirse  - to sink down, to cave in, to break down, to go to pieces 
inclinarse  - to lean, to lean over 
colgar  - to hang (up), to put up, to hang (someone), to hang up (a telephone), to fail (an exam) 
caer  - to fall, to drop, to collapse, to hang (down) 
flaquear  - to flag, to weaken 
decaer  - to decline, to decay, to deteriorate, to weaken, to flag 
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