Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para to search en español


search verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
searched, has searched, is searching, searches
registrar (un edificio, un área), cachear (a una persona), buscar en

Ejemplos de uso de
search verb

  • They haven't found him yet, so they have to keep searching.
  • The police searched her for concealed weapons.
  • He was searched by the guard before he was allowed to enter the courtroom.
  • The software allows you to search thousands of sites at the same time.
  • She searched for information on the Web.
  • He searched her face, hoping to see some glimmer of emotion.

Traducción inversa para to search

registrar  (un edificio, un área) - to register, to record, to record, to tape, to search, to examine 
cachear  (a una persona) - to search, to frisk 
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