Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to shelter en español


shelter verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
sheltered, has sheltered, is sheltering, shelters
proteger, abrigar; dar refugio a, albergar

Ejemplos de uso de
shelter verb

  • A cave sheltered the climbers during the storm.
  • They sheltered in a cave while they waited for the storm to pass.

Sinónimos de
shelter verb

Sinónimos detallados para shelter verb

Ver: Harbor

Traducción inversa para to shelter

proteger  - to protect, to defend 
abrigar  - to shelter, to protect, to keep warm, to dress warmly, to cherish, to harbor 
albergar  - to house, to lodge, to shelter 
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