Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to thrash en español


thrash verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
thrashed, has thrashed, is thrashing, thrashes
golpear, azotar, dar una paliza

Ejemplos de uso de
thrash verb

  • He thrashed me with his belt.
  • The team thrashed them last week.
  • Something was thrashing wildly in the water.
  • She thrashed around in her sleep.

Sinónimos de
thrash verb

Sinónimos detallados para thrash verb

Ver: Swing

Traducción inversa para to thrash

golpear  - to beat (up), to hit, to knock (at a door), to beat, to slam, to bang, to strike 
azotar  - to whip, to flog, to lash, to batter, to devastate, to afflict 
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