Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to turn over en español


turn over verb

unfavorite favorite
entregar, transferir (un cargo o una responsabilidad); voltear, darle la vuelta a; poner boca abajo

Ejemplos de uso de
turn over verb

  • reluctantly turned the ship over to the first mate while he went below to try to stop the leak
  • turned the evidence over to the police

Sinónimos de
turn over verb

Traducción inversa para to turn over

entregar  - to deliver, to give, to present, to hand in, to hand over 
transferir  (un cargo o una responsabilidad) - to transfer 
voltear  - to turn over, to turn upside down, to roll over, to do somersaults, to reverse, to turn inside out, to turn, to turn, to knock down 
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