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1 Resultado de traducción para uncertain en español


uncertain adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
indeterminado; incierto, dudoso; inestable, variable; indeciso; poco claro

Ejemplos de uso de
uncertain adjective

  • The time of departure is still uncertain.
  • We are still uncertain of the truth.
  • She remains uncertain about her plans.
  • I'm uncertain about how to respond.
  • The cause of the fire is uncertain.
  • He has an uncertain temper.
  • They face a financially uncertain future.

Sinónimos detallados para uncertain adjective

Ver: Doubtful

Traducción inversa para uncertain

indeterminado  - indefinite, indeterminate 
incierto  - uncertain, untrue, unsteady, insecure 
dudoso  - doubtful, (slang) iffy, dubious, questionable 
inestable  - unstable, unsteady 
indeciso  - indecisive, undecided