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1 Resultado de traducción para warm-hearted en español


warm-hearted adjective

unfavorite favorite
afectuoso, amable

warm adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
tibio, templado; caliente, cálido, caluroso; que abriga; cariñoso, cordial; cálido (dícese de colores); fresco, reciente

Ejemplos de uso de
warm adjective

  • Be sure to keep warm when you go outside.
  • We sat by the fire to stay warm.
  • It's too warm in here. We should open a window.
  • The sunshine was warm on my face.
  • We were met with a warm welcome.
  • She has a warm and friendly nature.
  • The letter was signed, “warmest regards.”
  • She gave us each a long, warm hug.
  • Keep going; you're getting warm.

Sinónimos de
warm adjective

hearted adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
animada, efusiva; sincera
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Traducción inversa para warm-hearted

afectuoso  - affectionate, caring 
amable  - kind, nice, benign