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watering trough
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water verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
watered, has watered, is watering, waters
lagrimear (dícese de los ojos), hacérsele agua la boca a uno; regar (el jardín, etc.)

Ejemplos de uso de
water verb

  • We need to water the lawn.
  • They fed and watered the horses in the barn.
  • My eyes were watering as I chopped the onions.

trough noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
comedero, bebedero (de animales); depresión (en el suelo), seno (de olas)

Ejemplos de uso de
trough noun

  • The economy is in a trough right now.
  • all of the wiring for the converted residential loft is concealed in a vertical trough

Sinónimos de
trough noun