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1 Resultado de traducción para fate en español


fate noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
destino; final, suerte

Ejemplos de uso de
fate noun

  • They thought they would never see each other again, but fate brought them back together.
  • One company went bankrupt, and a similar fate befell the other.
  • Her fate was sealed by the marriage arrangement made in her youth.
  • a surprising turn of fate

Sinónimos de
fate noun

Sinónimos detallados para fate noun

1. Fate, destiny, doom significan un estado o fin predeterminado.
  • Fate indica un desenlace inevitable y a veces desfavorable <the sailors' fate remains unknown>.
  • Destiny indica algo que ha sido predeterminado y suele connotar un curso o fin noble o grandioso <our country's destiny>.
  • Doom claramente recalca el carácter terminante e indica un destino nefasto o catastrófico <joked that he was luring the rats to their doom>.
2. Ver: Chance
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Frases relacionadas para fate

Traducción inversa para fate

destino  - destiny, fate, destination, use, assignment, post 
final  - final, play-off, end, conclusion, finale 
suerte  - luck, fortune, fate, destiny, lot, sort, kind