Pay indica la liquidación de una obligación contraída <we pay taxes in exchange for government services>.
Compensate indica el contrapesar los servicios o la ayuda que se ha prestado <she was always well compensated for her services>.
Remunerate indica más claramente el pagar por servicios prestados y puede extenderse a un pago que es generoso o por el cual no se ha contratado <promised to remunerate the workmen generously>.
Reimburse indica el devolver dinero que se ha gastado en beneficio de otro <the company will reimburse all employees for their expenses>.
Repay recalca el pagar el equivalente de lo debido en especie o en cantidad <repay a loan>.
Remit, un término formal, significa enviar dinero para un pago <please remit $500 as payment in full>.
Refund connota devolverle dinero a alguien por un artículo devuelto <he returned the defective radio and the store refunded his money>.
Ejemplos de uso de
•He has been suspended without pay pending the results of the investigation.
•Each pay period begins on the first of the month.
•Workers received a $4,000 pay increase.
•I took a significant pay cut when I took this job, but I think it was worth it.