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1 Resultado de traducción para scold en español


scold verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
scolded, has scolded, is scolding, scolds
regañar, reprender, reñir

Ejemplos de uso de
scold verb

  • “You should never have done that,” she scolded.
  • he scolded the kids for not cleaning up the mess they had made in the kitchen
  • "You should never have done that," she scolded.

Sinónimos detallados para scold verb

Scold, upbraid, berate, rail, revile, vituperate, bawl out, lambaste significan reprochar enérgica y abusivamente.
  • Scold indica una reprimenda que se hace en un estado de irritación o mal humor, ya sea justa o injustamente <released her anger at her husband by scolding the children>.
  • Upbraid indica el censurar por motivos específicos y generalmente justificables <the governor upbraided his aides for their poor research>.
  • Berate connota un regaño que es prolongado y que suele ser abusivo <berated by his father>.
  • Rail, usado con at o against, recalca el reprender de manera desenfrenada <railed loudly at the whims of fate>.
  • Revile indica un ataque difamatorio y abusivo motivado por la ira o el odio <his latest policies were reviled in the press>.
    antonyms: laud
  • Vituperate connota el injuriar de forma violenta y abusiva <a minister who preferred vituperating to comforting>.
  • Bawl out es un término coloquial que significa regañar severamente <got bawled out by the boss when he returned>.
  • Lambaste significa atacar verbalmente, tan violentamente como si fuese una paliza física <loudly lambasted his opponents on the floor of the senate>.

Traducción inversa para scold

regañar  - to scold, to give a talking to, to grumble, to complain, to quarrel, to argue 
reprender  - to reprimand, to scold, (figurative) to jump down someone's throat 
reñir  - to argue, to scold, to reprimand