Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para temerity en español


temerity noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Ejemplos de uso de
temerity noun

  • He was punished for his temerity.
  • She had the temerity to ask my boyfriend if she could go out with him should he and I ever break up.

Sinónimos de
temerity noun

Sinónimos detallados para temerity noun

Temerity, effrontery, audacity, nerve, gall, chutzpah significan un atrevimiento abierto o flagrante.
  • Temerity, effrontery connota un atrevimiento descarado que surge de la impetuosidad y del desprecio del peligro <after insulting her, he'd had the temerity to ask for a favor> <had the effrontery to tell me how to do my job>.
  • Audacity indica el ignorar las restricciones comúnmente impuestas por la convención o la prudencia <secretly admired his audacity>.
  • Nerve, un equivalente informal de effrontery, recalca el atrevimiento <the nerve of that guy!>.
  • Gall es parecido a nerve y cheek, pero pone énfasis en la insolencia <she'd had the gall to claim that she'd been in favor of the idea from the beginning>.
  • Chutzpah añade a nerve y a gall la noción de una suprema confianza en sí mismo <the chutzpah to claim that the war hero had been a coward>.
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Traducción inversa para temerity

temeridad  - temerity, recklessness, rashness, rash act