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2 Resultados de traducción para continue en español

verb | verbo

continue verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
continued, has continued, is continuing, continues
continuar, seguir; proseguir; prolongarse, durar; reanudar; reanudarse; prolongar

Ejemplos de uso de
continue verb

  • The team will continue with their drills until the coach is satisfied with their performance.
  • The world's population continues to grow.
  • The traditions will continue only as long as the next generations keep them alive.
  • The good weather continued for several days.
  • The lecture continued for another hour after we left.
  • Exit the highway, take a right off the ramp, then continue down the street until you get to the first traffic light.
  • Continue along this path until you come to the end.
  • The plot gets more and more intricate as the story continues.

Sinónimos detallados para continue verb

Continue, last, endure, abide, persist, survive significan existir por un periodo de tiempo o indefinidamente.
  • Continue se aplica a un proceso que prosigue sin terminar <the stock market will continue to rise>.
    antonyms: cease
  • Last, sobre todo cuando no lleva calificador, puede recalcar el existir por un periodo más largo que el previsto <buy shoes that will last>.
  • Endure añade una indicación de resistencia contra fuerzas o agentes destructores <in spite of everything, her faith endured>.
    antonyms: perish
  • Abide indica un existir estable y constante, sobre todo en contraposición a la mutabilidad <their love abided through 40 years of marriage>.
    antonyms: pass
  • Persist connota el durar por más tiempo que lo normal o designado, y connota a menudo la obstinación o terquedad <his sense of guilt persisted>.
    antonyms: desist, cease
  • Survive connota el continuar viviendo, existiendo o prosperando después de algún evento o condición <they survived the flood>.
    antonyms: perish

continuar verbo

to continue
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Traducción inversa para continue

continuar  - to continue 
seguir  - to follow, to go on, to keep going, to remain, to continue to be, to go along, to keep on 
proseguir  - to continue, to go on, to continue, to pursue (studies, goals) 
prolongarse  - to last, to continue 
durar  - to last, to endure 
reanudar  - to resume, to renew 
reanudarse  - to resume, to continue 
prolongar  - to prolong, to extend, to lengthen