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2 Translation results for fair in Spanish

adjective | noun

fair adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
bello, hermoso, atractivo; bueno, despejado; justo, imparcial; permisible; rubio (dícese del pelo), blanco (dícese de la tez); bastante, adecuado

Example sentences of
fair adjective

  • That's a fair question, and it deserves an honest reply.
  • He is known as a very fair man.
  • I try to be fair to my children.
  • He claims that the competition wasn't fair.
  • It's not fair that she gets to leave early and I don't.
  • a fair and impartial jury
  • a bargain that is fair to everyone
  • “What a bad movie!” “Be fair! Parts of it are actually pretty funny.”
  • I can't say I liked the movie, but, to be fair, parts of it are pretty funny.
  • She did poorly on the test, but, to be fair, so did a lot of other people.
¿Qué quiere decir fair enough?
  • Cuando alguien dice fair enough significa que esa persona acepta tu opinión o reclamo y está dispuesta a seguir la corriente pese a un desacuerdo anterior, aunque aún tiene algo de duda. Ejemplo: Fair enough, everything else failed so we might as well try your idea.

Detailed synonyms for fair adjective

1. Fair, just, equitable, impartial, unbiased, objective, evenhanded, balanced significan totalmente libre de favoritismo.
  • Fair indica el eliminar uno sus propios sentimientos, prejuicios e intereses para establecer un equilibrio apropiado de intereses en conflicto <a tough but fair professor>.
    antonyms: unfair
  • Just indica el seguimiento exacto de las normas de lo correcto y apropiado <a just decision by the court>.
    antonyms: unjust
  • Equitable indica una pauta más libre y menos rigurosa que just y connota un tratamiento justo e igualitario de todos los interesados <the equitable distribution of his property>.
    antonyms: inequitable, unfair
  • Impartial recalca la falta de favoritismo o prejuicio en el llegar a una decisión <an impartial jury>.
    antonyms: partial
  • Unbiased indica con más fuerza aún la ausencia de todo prejuicio, e indica la firme intención de ser justo para con todos <unbiased reporting>.
    antonyms: biased
  • Objective recalca una tendencia de ver eventos o personas aparte de uno mismo, y aparte de los intereses o de las emociones de uno <found it hard to be objective about his own child>.
    antonyms: subjective
  • Evenhanded connota ser concienzudamente justo para cada lado o grupo <evenhanded justice>.
  • Balanced connota darle atención por igual a las opiniones de ambos o todos los lados de un asunto <most news articles gave a balanced account of the situation>.
2. See: Beautiful

fair noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
word of the day image
A large fair
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Related phrases for fair

Reverse translation for fair

bello  - beautiful 
hermoso  - beautiful, lovely 
atractivo  - attractive 
bueno  - good, nice, kind, proper, appropriate, well, healthy, considerable, goodly 
despejado  - clear, fair, alert, clear-headed, uncluttered, unobstructed 
justo  - just, fair, right, exact, tight 
imparcial  - impartial 
permisible  - permissible, allowable 
rubio  (dícese del pelo) - blond 
blanco  (dícese de la tez) - white 
adecuado  - suitable, appropriate, adequate 
feria  - fair, market, festival, holiday, change (money)