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1 Translation result for awkward in Spanish


awkward adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
torpe, desmañado; embarazoso, delicado
word of the day image
This woman feels awkward, as an unfamiliar man has fallen asleep on her shoulder during a flight.

Example sentences of
awkward adjective

  • She is awkward at dancing.
  • He had large feet and his walk was awkward and ungainly.
  • The story contained some awkward writing.
  • She is an awkward writer.
  • The machine is very awkward to operate.
  • I often find myself in awkward situations.
  • He was put in the awkward position of having to write the memo.
  • There was an awkward pause in the conversation.
  • He feels awkward with strangers.

Synonyms of
awkward adjective

  • Tenga en cuenta que la pronunciación no es fonética.

Detailed synonyms for awkward adjective

1. Awkward, clumsy, maladroit, inept, gauche, klutzy, bungling significan que se carece de gracia o facilidad (por ejemplo, de ejecución o de movimiento).
  • Awkward se aplica extensivamente y puede dar a entender falta de aptitud, inconveniencia, falta de control, vergüenza o carencia de tacto <there were periods of awkward silence>.
    antonyms: handy, deft, graceful
  • Clumsy indica rigidez y falta de ligereza, y por consiguiente puede connotar asimismo inflexibilidad, dificultad de manejo, falta de agilidad o de capacidad ordinaria <the writer's clumsy style>.
    antonyms: dexterous, adroit, facile
  • Maladroit connota deficiencia de tacto y cierta tendencia a crear situaciones incómodas <his maladroit handling of a delicate situation>.
    antonyms: adroit
  • Inept suele indicar un carácter inapropiado, inútil y absurdo <blamed his inept defense attorney>.
    antonyms: apt, adept, able
  • Gauche recalca los efectos de la timidez, la inexperiencia o la mala educación <always felt gauche and unsophisticated at formal parties>.
  • Klutzy un término informal, connota el tipo de torpeza física que resulta en el dejar caer o el romper cosas <his sincere but klutzy attempts to help around the house>.
  • Bungling implica una torpeza cómica, no siempre física <easily caught the bungling burglar>.
2. See: Awkward

Reverse translation for awkward

torpe  - clumsy, awkward, stupid, dull 
desmañado  - clumsy, awkward 
embarazoso  - embarrassing, awkward 
delicado  - delicate, fine, sensitive, frail, difficult, tricky, fussy, hard to please, dainty