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1 Translation result for adopt in Spanish


adopt verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
adopted, has adopted, is adopting, adopts

Example sentences of
adopt verb

  • They were unable to have children of their own, so they decided to adopt.
  • Did he adopt your point of view?
  • We adopted some of the local customs.
  • The author Samuel Clemens adopted the name “Mark Twain.”
  • He was born in England but he has adopted Canada as his home.
  • The assembly adopted a new constitution.
  • The resolution was unanimously adopted by the Senate.

Synonyms of
adopt verb

Detailed synonyms for adopt verb

Adopt, embrace, espouse, accept significan tomar para sí una opinión, política o práctica ajena.
  • Adopt indica la aceptación de algo creado por otra persona o que es ajeno a la naturaleza de uno <forced to adopt new methods>.
    antonyms: repudiate, discard
  • Embrace indica una pronta y feliz aceptación <eagerly embraced the customs of their new country>.
    antonyms: spurn
  • Espouse añade un matiz de estrecho apego a una causa así como una participación en su destino <spent her life espousing equal rights for women>.
    antonyms: reject
  • Accept significa acceder, pero no necesariamente con entusiasmo <accept an offer>.
    antonyms: reject, turn down
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Reverse translation for adopt

adoptar  - to adopt (a measure), to take (a decision), to adopt (children)