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1 Translation result for boorish in Spanish


boorish adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
boorish adjective

  • boorish behavior, such as yelling for service in restaurants

Synonyms of
boorish adjective

Detailed synonyms for boorish adjective

Boorish, crude, ill-bred significan burdo, tanto en manera de ser como en apariencia.
  • Boorish indica rudeza de carácter debido a la falta de cultura, e indica asimismo una insensibilidad hacia los sentimientos de los demás, o poca disposición a ser agradable <told him his behavior at the wedding had been boorish>.
    antonyms: gentlemanly
  • Crude connota vulgaridad o rudeza desagradable <they tell a lot of crude jokes>.
  • Ill-bred un término un poco anticuado que describe a alguien cuyo comportamiento indica una mala educación <she thought talking about money in this way showed he was ill-bred>.

Reverse translation for boorish

grosero  - rude, fresh, coarse, vulgar