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1 Translation result for broad in Spanish


broad adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
ancho; amplio, extenso; pleno; claro, evidente; tolerante, liberal; general; principal, esencial

Example sentences of
broad adjective

  • He has broad shoulders.
  • The store has a broad selection of coats.
  • There was broad agreement on the new government.
  • There are three broad categories of industry in the region: computers, finance, and education.
  • the broad outlines of a problem
  • discusses “family” in its broadest sense

Detailed synonyms for broad adjective

1. Broad, wide significan que tiene extensión horizontal.
  • Broad se prefiere cuando se está considerando la plena extensión horizontal <broad shoulders>.
    antonyms: narrow
  • Wide es más común cuando se hace mención de unidades de medida <the rug was eight feet wide>, o cuando éstas se aplican a un espacio vacío entre bordes <a wide doorway>.
2. See: Indiscriminate

Related phrases for broad

Reverse translation for broad

ancho  - wide, broad, ample, loose-fitting 
amplio  - broad, wide, ample 
extenso  - extensive, detailed, spacious, vast 
pleno  - full, (figurative) in the middle of, in the height of 
claro  - bright, clear, pale, fair, light, clear, evident 
evidente  - evident, obvious, clear 
tolerante  - tolerant 
liberal  - liberal 
general  - general 
principal  - main, principal, foremost, leading 
esencial  - essential 
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