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1 Translation result for clever in Spanish


clever adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
ingenioso, hábil; listo, inteligente, astuto

Example sentences of
clever adjective

  • Some cats are clever enough to figure out how to operate doorknobs.
  • That's the cleverest idea I've heard yet!
  • She found a clever hiding place for the letter.

Detailed synonyms for clever adjective

1. Clever, adroit, ingenious, resourceful significan que se tiene o se demuestra inteligencia o habilidad práctica en la maniobra.
  • Clever recalca la rapidez o aptitud física o mental <clever at constructing puzzles of all kinds>.
  • Adroit indica a menudo el uso hábil o astuto de recursos para lograr los propósitos de uno <an adroit negotiator>.
    antonyms: maladroit
  • Ingenious connota inteligencia o astucia en inventar o descubrir <an ingenious computer engineer>.
  • Resourceful supone una capacidad inventiva al tratar con circunstancias imprevistas <a resourceful leader>.
2. See: Intelligent
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Reverse translation for clever

ingenioso  - ingenious, clever, witty 
hábil  - able, skillful, working 
listo  - ready, clever, smart 
inteligente  - intelligent 
astuto  - astute, shrewd, sly, crafty, tricky