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3 Translation results for contrary in Spanish

adjective | noun | adverb

contrary adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
contrario, opuesto; terco, testarudo

Example sentences of
contrary adjective

  • The sisters gave contrary answers: one said “yes” and one said “no.”
  • We had contrary opinions on the issue.
  • Without contrary evidence, the jury will find her guilty.
  • The boat sailed against a contrary wind.
  • Contrary weather impeded the rescue efforts.
  • The sisters gave contrary answers: one said "yes" and one said "no."

Detailed synonyms for contrary adjective

1. Contrary, perverse, balky, wayward, ornery, wrongheaded significan que tiende a resistir la autoridad, el control o las circunstancias.
  • Contrary indica una innata indisposición a tomar órdenes o recibir consejos <the most contrary child in my class>.
    antonyms: complaisant
  • Perverse puede indicar una oposición obstinada, decidida, perniciosa o malhumorada a lo que es razonable o generalmente aceptado <offered the most perverse argument for declaring war>.
  • Balky connota el rehusarse a proseguir en o a someterse a una línea de conducta deseada <workers became balky when asked to accept pay cuts>.
  • Wayward connota una volubilidad obstinada, así como irregularidades en el comportamiento <a wayward child>.
  • Ornery es un término informal con sabor rural que sugiere una terquedad irritable <an ornery old farmer with a shotgun>.
  • Wrongheaded aplica a las ideas y opiniones defectuosas sostenidas tercamente y a aquellos que las sostienen <a wrongheaded approach to the problem>.
2. See: Opposite

contrary noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
lo contrario, lo opuesto

Example sentences of
contrary noun

  • the admonition that we should not return hate with hate, but rather with its contrary—love
  • the admonition that we should not return hate with hate, but rather with its contrary-love

Synonyms of
contrary noun

contrary adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound
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Related phrases for contrary

Reverse translation for contrary

contrario  - contrary, opposite, conflicting, opposed 
opuesto  - opposite, contrary, opposed 
terco  - obstinate, stubborn 
testarudo  - stubborn, pigheaded