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1 Translation result for cynical in Spanish


cynical adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
cynical adjective

  • Cynical people say there is no such thing as true love.
  • People are so cynical nowadays.
  • She's become more cynical in her old age.
  • Some people regard the governor's visit to the hospital as a cynical attempt to win votes.

Synonyms of
cynical adjective

Detailed synonyms for cynical adjective

Cynical, misanthropic significan profundamente desconfiado.
  • Cynical indica tener una incredulidad desdeñosa hacia la sinceridad o la integridad, o a veces una cruel desconsideración de los derechos o inquietudes de los demás <always cynical about other people's motives>.
  • Misanthropic connota una desconfianza arraigada y antipatía hacia los seres humanos y su sociedad <he had grown misanthropic as he aged>.

Reverse translation for cynical

cínico  - cynical, shameless, brazen 
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