Direct connota una conexión continua entre una cosa y otra, por ejemplo, entre causa y efecto, fuente y producto o principio y fin <payments that may have had a direct connection with the murder>.
Immediate recalca la ausencia de un medio o influencia interviniente <dealing with the immediate situation required all his attention>.
Firsthand connota venir directamente de experiencia u observación actual <a firsthand account of the battle>.
directed, has directed, is directing, directs
dirigir, mandar; indicarle el camino (a alguien), orientar; ordenar
Example sentences of
•Be sure that the water nozzle is directed downward.
•The sloping ground helps direct water away from the home.
•Let me direct your attention to the book's second chapter.
•We were asked to direct our thoughts and prayers to the people who survived the disaster.
•The students directed their efforts toward improving their community.
More examples
•A lot of the criticism has been directed toward the concert's organizers.
•He is responsible for directing the activities of the sales team.
•In my current position, I direct a staff of over 200 employees.