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merriam webster

1 Translation result for exclude in Spanish


exclude verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
excluded, has excluded, is excluding, excludes
excluir, descartar, no admitir; expeler, expulsar

Example sentences of
exclude verb

  • You can share files with some people on the network while excluding others.
  • The prices on the menu exclude tax.

Synonyms of
exclude verb

Detailed synonyms for exclude verb

Exclude, bar significan echar o dejar fuera.
  • Exclude indica hacer que algo permanezca afuera mediante la erección de una barrera o un efecto similar <laws that excluded women from voting>.
    antonyms: admit, include
  • Bar puede referirse a una exclusión que puede ser física <two men in uniform barred him from entering> o no física <the club's regulations barred blacks from membership>.
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Reverse translation for exclude

excluir  - to exclude, to leave out 
descartar  - to discard, to rule out, to reject 
expeler  - to expel, to eject 
expulsar  - to expel, to eject