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1 Translation result for hinder in Spanish


hinder verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
hindered, has hindered, is hindering, hinders
dificultar, impedir, estorbar

Example sentences of
hinder verb

  • The witness refused to cooperate, hindering the investigation.
  • The country's economic growth is being hindered by the sanctions.
  • It's not clear whether the change will help or hinder our project.

Synonyms of
hinder verb

Detailed synonyms for hinder verb

Hinder, impede, obstruct, block, inhibit, hamper, shackle significan interferir con la actividad o el progreso, obstruir o impedir el movimiento o la acción de algo o alguien.
  • Hinder recalca una demora nociva o irritante, o interferencia con el progreso <the search was hindered by the increasing darkness>.
    antonyms: further
  • Impede indica el dificultar el progreso mediante el atascamiento, el poner obstáculos o el aprisionamiento <the economy's growth had been impeded by oil prices>.
    antonyms: assist, promote
  • Obstruct indica el interferir con algo que está en movimiento o en progreso mediante la colocación de obstáculos en el camino, a menudo deliberadamente <the view was obstructed by a high fence>.
  • Block indica la obstrucción total del paso o progreso <fallen rocks had blocked the road>.
  • Inhibit connota evitar que alguien, especialmente uno mismo, haga lo que siente ganas de hacer <always inhibited by his fear of failure>.
  • Hamper indica el efecto obstructor o entorpecedor de cualquier influencia que impide o que limita <their attempts to hamper the government investigation>.
    antonyms: assist ersona, etc.), expedite abajo, etc.)
  • Shackle connota una pérdida total de la libertad de movimiento, progreso o acción <shackled by small-town conventions>.

Reverse translation for hinder

dificultar  - to make difficult, to obstruct 
impedir  - to prevent, to block, to impede, to hinder 
estorbar  - to get in the way, to obstruct, to hinder