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4 Translation results for material in Spanish

noun | adjective | adjetivo | sustantivo

material noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
material; tejido, tela

Example sentences of
material noun

  • Large factories process paper, plastic, and other man-made materials.
  • She was never without reading material.
  • The curtains required yards of expensive material.

Synonyms of
material noun

material adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
material, físico; importante, esencial

Example sentences of
material adjective

  • He is concerned only with his own material comforts.
  • The researchers included all data that was material.

Synonyms of
material adjective

Detailed synonyms for material adjective

Material, physical, corporeal, objective significan correspondiente o perteneciente al mundo de la realidad o a cosas evidentes a los sentidos.
  • Material indica una formación a partir de materia tangible, pero puede indicar un contraste con spiritual, ideal o intangible <had given away all her material possessions>.
    antonyms: immaterial
  • Physical se aplica a lo que puede percibirse directamente por medio de los sentidos, y medirse o calcularse; puede contrastar con mental, spiritual o imaginary <the benefits of physical exercise>.
    antonyms: spiritual
  • Corporeal indica el tener las cualidades tangibles de un cuerpo, tales como forma, tamaño o resistencia a la fuerza <artists have portrayed angels as corporeal beings>.
    antonyms: incorporeal
  • Objective puede recalcar la existencia material aparte del sujeto que la percibe <could find no objective evidence>.
    antonyms: subjective

material adjetivo

material, physical, real

material sustantivo

material; equipment, gear

Related phrases for material

Reverse translation for material

material  - material, equipment, gear 
tejido  - fabric, cloth, weave, texture, tissue 
tela  - fabric, cloth, material 
material  - material, physical, real 
físico  - physical 
importante  - important, leading 
esencial  - essential