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1 Translation result for mirth in Spanish


mirth noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
alegría, regocijo

Example sentences of
mirth noun

  • Her clumsy attempt to cut the cake was the cause of much mirth.
  • as charming as your mutual mirth is, could you refrain from nudging each other and giggling during class?

Synonyms of
mirth noun

Detailed synonyms for mirth noun

Mirth, glee, hilarity, cheer significan un humor o temperamento alegre o animado que se expresa en la risa, los juegos o los festejos.
  • Mirth indica la ligereza de corazón, la alegría y la risa fácil <sounds of mirth and gaiety echoed down the hall>.
    antonyms: melancholy
  • Glee recalca la exultación que se expresa en la risa, los gritos de gozo o a veces en un placer malicioso <his wicked glee at their misfortune>.
    antonyms: gloom
  • Hilarity connota una risa a carcajadas, a veces incontenible, o un animado bullicio <the teacher's accident caused an outburst of hilarity among the children>.
  • Cheer sugiere una animación alegre pero también puede incluir comida y bebidas <invited their neighbors in for some Christmas cheer>.
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Reverse translation for mirth

alegría  - joy, cheer, happiness 
regocijo  - delight, rejoicing