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1 Translation result for nearest in Spanish


near adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
cercano, próximo; parecido, semejante

Example sentences of
near adjective

  • The nearest grocery store is three blocks away.
  • The near side headlight is out.
  • The airport is quite near.

Synonyms of
near adjective

Detailed synonyms for near adjective

Nearest, closest, next significan el más cercano en el tiempo, el espacio o en grado.
  • Nearest, closest indica el más alto grado de proximidad en relaciones de tiempo, espacio o parentesco <named the baby after their nearest relative> <the closest house was two miles away>.
  • Next suele indicar sucesión o precedencia inmediata en un orden, una serie o una secuencia <the next day>.
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Reverse translation for nearest

cercano  - near, close 
próximo  - near, close, next, following 
parecido  - similar, alike 
semejante  - similar, alike, such