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1 Translation result for noticeable in Spanish


noticeable adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
evidente, perceptible

Example sentences of
noticeable adjective

  • The spot on your shirt is very noticeable.
  • There has been a noticeable improvement in her behavior.
  • a noticeable change in the weather
  • It was noticeable that they were not prepared to give the presentation.

Detailed synonyms for noticeable adjective

Noticeable, remarkable, prominent, outstanding, conspicuous, salient, striking, arresting, eye-catching significan que es llamativo o que atrae la atención.
  • Noticeable se aplica a algo con pocas probabilidades de escapar la observación <a noticeable change in the students' attitudes>.
    antonyms: unnoticeable
  • Remarkable se aplica a algo que es tan extraordinario o excepcional que exige la atención o provoca el comentario <a film of remarkable intelligence>.
  • Prominent se aplica a algo que exige la atención debido a que se destaca de su fondo o entorno <a prominent scientist>.
    antonyms: inconspicuous
  • Outstanding se aplica a algo que se sobrepone y supera a otros de su clase <honored for her outstanding contributions to science>.
    antonyms: commonplace
  • Conspicuous se aplica algo que es obvio e inevitable a la vista o a la mente <a conspicuous feature of the house>.
    antonyms: inconspicuous
  • Salient se aplica a algo de importancia que se impone a la atención <listed the salient points of the speech>.
  • Striking se aplica a algo que deja una impresión fuerte y profunda en la mente o en la vista <the extreme poverty of the slum is immediately striking to the visitor>.
  • Arresting indica capturar la atención, especialmente visualmente <an arresting image>.
  • Eye-catching connota ser muy llamativo o atractivo <an eye-catching advertisement>.
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Reverse translation for noticeable

evidente  - evident, obvious, clear 
perceptible  - perceptible, noticeable