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1 Translation result for persevere in Spanish


persevere verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
persevered, has persevered, is persevering, perseveres
word of the day image
The woman is persevering in turning over the tire.

Example sentences of
persevere verb

  • She persevered in her studies and graduated near the top of her class.
  • Even though he was tired, he persevered and finished the race.

Synonyms of
persevere verb

Detailed synonyms for persevere verb

Persevere, persist, carry on, survive significan continuar sobre una línea de conducta ante la dificultad o la oposición.
  • Persevere indica una determinación admirable y connota tanto el negarse a perder el ánimo, sea por el fracaso, las dudas o las dificultades, como la búsqueda incansable de un fin o propósito <persevered in his efforts>.
    antonyms: give up
  • Persist suele connotar una cualidad molesta o desagradable, ya que recalca la pertinacia más que la valentía o la paciencia, y connota con frecuencia una obstinada oposición al consejo, la protesta, la desaprobación o la conciencia <their cruel teasing persisted despite all the teacher's attempts to stop it>.
    antonyms: desist, cease
  • Carry on connota continuar a pesar de obstáculos o desánimo <chose to carry on despite the weather>. ant give up
  • Survive sugiere continuar funcionando o prosperando a pesar de eventos o condiciones adversas <he survived a political scandal and was reelected>.

Reverse translation for persevere

perseverar  - to persevere