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2 Translation results for pride in Spanish

verb | noun

pride verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
prided, has prided, is priding, prides
estar orgulloso de

Example sentences of
pride verb

  • he prides himself on the quality of his writing

Synonyms of
pride verb

Detailed synonyms for pride verb

Pride, preen, gloat, glory significan felicitarse por algo que se es, se tiene, o se ha hecho o realizado.
  • Pride suele indicar el recibir mérito de algo que brinda honor o justifica el orgullo <he prides himself on the powerful people he knows>.
  • Preen puede usarse para sustituir a pique, y a veces añade cierta connotación de adornarse uno de sus virtudes o logros <elegant ladies preening in their expensive gowns>.
  • Gloat connota sentir placer por algo en una manera autosatisfecha <the team was gloating noisily over its victory>.
  • Glory sugiere sentir gran alegría o placer por algo <she glories in the praise her book has received>.

pride noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
pride noun

  • Being able to work again gave him his pride back.
  • Getting caught cheating stripped him of his pride.
  • Pride would not allow her to give up.
  • It's a matter of pride that he does the work all by himself.
  • The novel is about a family consumed with pride and vanity.
  • They needed help, but their pride wouldn't let them ask for it.
  • I had to swallow my pride and admit I made a mistake.
  • He showed a great pride in his family.
  • These young people are the pride of their community.

Synonyms of
pride noun

Detailed synonyms for pride noun

Pride, vanity, conceit, egoism, egotism significan la cualidad o el sentimiento de una persona que está plenamente convencida de su propia excelencia o superioridad.
  • Pride puede indicar una autoestima justificada o injustificada, y puede referirse a un mérito o superioridad real o imaginada, o a sentimientos de respeto propio por sí mismo y las normas de uno, o bien a un engreimiento descarado y arrogante <took pride in her good marks at school>.
    antonyms: humility, shame
  • Vanity indica un deseo excesivo de atraer atención, aprobación, o alabanza, y connota un carácter egocéntrico así como una concentración en nimiedades <a woman of enormous vanity>.
    antonyms: modesty
  • Conceit connota un orgullo excesivo en el valor o la virtud de uno mismo <his conceit about his good looks>.
    antonyms: modesty
  • Egoism sugiere una preocupación excesiva por sí mismo, con o sin sentimientos exagerados de autoimportancia <his selfish egoism had lessened as the years passed>.
  • Egotism recalca un sentimiento exagerado de autoimportancia, frecuentemente indicado al hablar demasiado de sí mismo <her egotism made it hard for people to work closely with her>.
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