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2 Translation results for real in Spanish

adjective | adjetivo

real adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
inmobiliario; auténtico, genuino; real, verdadero

Example sentences of
real adjective

  • The movie is based on real events.
  • The detective Sherlock Holmes is not a real person.
  • He has no real power; he is just a figurehead.
  • The battle scenes in the movie seemed very real to me.
  • The team has a real chance at winning.
  • There is a very real possibility that we will be moving to Maine.
  • In real life, relationships are not perfect.
  • The actor looks taller on TV than he does in real life.
  • He's always daydreaming and seems to be out of touch with the real world.
  • What is his real name?

Synonyms of
real adjective

Detailed synonyms for real adjective

Real, actual, true significan que corresponde con los hechos conocidos.
  • Real suele recalcar la autenticidad, y en particular, la correspondencia entre la apariencia y la esencia <a real diamond>.
    antonyms: unreal, apparent, imaginary
  • Actual recalca el hecho de la existencia o fidelidad a lo que existe, en contraste con lo que no existe, lo que es abstracto o hipotético <the actual number of casualities was larger>.
    antonyms: ideal, imaginary
  • True puede recalcar conformidad con lo que es real, particularmente como un modelo o una pauta <a true liberal>, o conformidad con los hechos pertinentes que se conocen o se pueden conocer <the true version of events>.
    antonyms: false

real adjetivo

real, true; royal
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Related phrases for real

Reverse translation for real

inmobiliario  - real estate, property 
auténtico  - authentic 
genuino  - genuine, unfeigned 
real  - real, true, royal 
verdadero  - true, real, genuine