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2 Translation results for shy in Spanish

adjective | verb

shy adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
tímido; cauteloso; corto (de dinero, etc.)
word of the day image
Shy child

Example sentences of
shy adjective

  • I was painfully shy as a teenager.
  • She was too shy to ask for help.
  • He gave her a shy smile.
  • Help yourself if you want more. Don't be shy.

Synonyms of
shy adjective

Detailed synonyms for shy adjective

Shy, bashful, diffident, modest, reserved significan caracterizado por una indisposición a ser atrevido o a imponerse.
  • Shy indica una reserva temerosa y el encogerse de la familiaridad o del contacto con los demás <he's shy around strangers>.
    antonyms: bold, obtrusive
  • Bashful indica una timidez miedosa o titubeante característica de la inmadurez <a bashful little boy hiding behind his mother>.
    antonyms: brash, forward
  • Diffident recalca una desconfianza que tiene uno en sus propias habilidades, opiniones o poderes, lo cual causa vacilación en la acción o la palabra <though diffident at first, he slowly became more confident>.
    antonyms: confident
  • Modest connota la ausencia de confianza o presunción indebida, o de atrevimiento o autoafirmación <very modest about his achievements>.
  • Reserved sugiere reticencia que resulta del restringir las influencias de la precaución o la formalidad <her manner was formal and reserved but pleasant>.

shy verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
shied, has shied, is shying, shies
retroceder, asustarse

Reverse translation for shy

tímido  - timid, shy 
cauteloso  - cautious, prudent 
corto  (de dinero, etc.) - short (in length or duration), scarce, timid, shy 
retroceder  - to move back, to turn back, to back off, to back down, to recoil (of a firearm) 
asustarse  - to be scared