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1 Translation result for sincere in Spanish


sincere adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
sincere adjective

  • He sounded sincere in his promises.
  • She seemed sincere in her commitment to finish school.
  • She has a sincere interest in painting.
  • He showed a sincere concern for her health.
  • He made a sincere attempt to quit smoking.
  • Please accept our sincere thanks.

Synonyms of
sincere adjective

Detailed synonyms for sincere adjective

Sincere, wholehearted, heartfelt, hearty significan genuino en sentimiento o en expresión.
  • Sincere recalca la ausencia de hipocresía, fingimientos o de cualquier adorno o exageración que falsifica <offered a sincere apology>.
    antonyms: insincere
  • Wholehearted connota sinceridad y una devoción sincera sin reservas o dudas <promised our wholehearted support to the cause>.
  • Heartfelt connota profundidad de sentimiento genuino que se expresa exteriormente <a gift expressing our heartfelt gratitude>.
  • Hearty connota honestidad, calor y exuberancia en la demostración del sentimiento <received a hearty welcome at the door>.
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Reverse translation for sincere

sincero  - sincere, honest, true, unfeigned