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2 Translation results for steep in Spanish

adjective | verb

steep adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
empinado, escarpado; considerable, marcado; excesivo

Example sentences of
steep adjective

  • The stairs are very steep.
  • They have noticed a steep drop in prices.
  • The store's prices are too steep for me.
  • Their rates are pretty steep.

Synonyms of
steep adjective

Detailed synonyms for steep adjective

Steep, abrupt, precipitous, sheer significan que tiene una inclinación que se aproxima a la perpendicular.
  • Steep indica una pendiente que es tan pronunciada que hace difícil el subir o bajar <a steep staircase>.
  • Abrupt indica una pendiente más pronunciada y una súbita ruptura del nivel <the stock market's abrupt decline>.
    antonyms: sloping
  • Precipitous se aplica a una inclinación tan pronunciada que se aproxima a la vertical <the airplane went into a precipitous dive>.
  • Sheer connota una extensión perpendicular ininterrumpida <rock climbers ascending the sheer cliffs>.

steep verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
steeped, has steeped, is steeping, steeps
remojar, dejar (té, etc.) en infusión

Example sentences of
steep verb

  • Steep the tea for three minutes.
  • The tea steeped for five minutes.

Detailed synonyms for steep verb

See: Infuse, Soak
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Reverse translation for steep

empinado  - steep 
escarpado  - steep, sheer 
considerable  - considerable 
marcado  - marked 
excesivo  - excessive 
remojar  - to soak, to steep, to dip, to dunk, to celebrate with a drink 
dejar en infusión  (té, etc.) - to leave, to abandon, to forsake, to let be, to let go, to allow, to permit