Stick, adhere, cling significan unirse o conectarse estrechamente.
Stick indica un acoplamiento que se produce al fijar con pegamento o adhesivo, o una acción similar <the label will stick when pressed>.
Adhere suele intercambiarse con stick, pero a veces indica que las partes, que normalmente son distintas, van uniéndose o fusionándose <they chose to adhere to their original plan>.
Cling indica un acoplamiento o conexión que se logra al agarrar con los brazos o con los zarcillos <the children clung to their mother's legs>.
- to adhere, to stick, to glue, to stick, to paste, to attach, to sew on, to infect with, to give, to hit, to deal, to strike, to give (out with)
- to become obstructed, to get bogged down, to stall
- to contribute, to put, to place, to set up, to establish, to install, to put in, to make, to turn on, to switch on, to suppose, to lay (eggs), to lay eggs, to put in, to add,
Quick Quizzes:Office Jargon 2
Pack a toothbrush, turn off your computer, and you’ll be good to go.