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2 Translation results for suave in Spanish

adjective | adjetivo

suave adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
fino, urbano

Example sentences of
suave adjective

  • a suave and sophisticated businessman
  • the suave gentleman was a great favorite of the elegant ladies who attended parties at the embassy

Synonyms of
suave adjective

Detailed synonyms for suave adjective

Suave, urbane, diplomatic, smooth, courtly, ingratiating significan que posee un grado agradable de tacto y buenos modales.
  • Suave connota una habilidad específica de tratar a otros con facilidad y sin fricción <the restaurant's suave waiters>.
  • Urbane indica un alto grado de refinamiento y compostura que es fruto de una vasta experiencia social <the ambassador was urbane and charming>.
  • Diplomatic recalca una habilidad para tratar situaciones delicadas con tacto y con éxito <her diplomatic way of dealing with difficult social situations>.
    antonyms: undiplomatic
  • Smooth connota con frecuencia una suavidad excesiva y deliberadamente asumida <she never trusted smooth salesmen>.
  • Courtly connota la elegancia de manierismo, frecuentemente incluyendo el hábito de adulación insincera e inofensiva <charmed by the elderly man's courtly manners>.
  • Ingratiating generalmente connota una conducta intencionada a ganar favor, frecuentemente a través de la adulación <he showed up with a box of chocolates and an ingratiating smile>.

suave adjetivo

soft; smooth; gentle, mild; great, fantastic
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Reverse translation for suave

fino  - fine, excellent, delicate, slender, refined, sharp, acute, subtle 
urbano  - urban, urbane, polite