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merriam webster

1 Translation result for tend in Spanish


tend verb

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tended, has tended, is tending, tends
atender, cuidar (de), ocuparse de; tender

Example sentences of
tend verb

  • I have to be careful about what I eat because I tend to gain weight easily.
  • Please tend the store while I'm away.

Synonyms of
tend verb

Detailed synonyms for tend verb

Tend, attend, mind, watch, guard, oversee significan hacerse cargo de algo o cuidar a alguien o algo.
  • Tend connota la necesidad de recibir atención constante o repetida <the garden and grounds need to be tended>.
  • Attend tiende a recalcar el hacerse cargo de algo, y su uso es, por lo tanto, adecuado en situaciones relacionadas con servicios profesionales o actividades especializadas <the doctor who attended his mother>.
  • Mind es muy cercano a tend, pero connota específicamente el guardar o proteger contra el daño o el fracaso <her neighbor minds the children after school>.
  • Watch, que suele ser cercano a mind, puede indicar una relación más constante o más profesional, o connotar una apremiante necesidad de prevenir un peligro <a guard was hired to watch the store at night>.
  • Guard sugiere proteger, preservar o vigilar algo <she guarded her privacy carefully>.
  • Oversee sugiere supervisar <he had the task of overseeing the move to the new building>.
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Reverse translation for tend

atender  - to help, to wait on, to pay attention, to look after, to take care of, to heed, to listen to 
cuidar  (de) - to take care of, to look after, to pay attention to 
tender  - to spread out, to lay out, to hang out (clothes), to lay (cables, etc.), to set (a trap)