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1 Translation result for warn in Spanish


warn verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
warned, has warned, is warning, warns
advertir, alertar; avisar, informar

Example sentences of
warn verb

  • I had been warned about the difficulties of the job.
  • She warned me that the stove was still hot.
  • “This won't be easy,” he warned.
  • Nobody warned me about the dangers.
  • I warned him to be careful, but he didn't listen to me.
  • She warned us not to go too close to the fire.

Synonyms of
warn verb

Detailed synonyms for warn verb

Warn, forewarn, caution significan informar a uno sobre un peligro o riesgo inminente o posible.
  • Warn puede abarcar desde una simple advertencia a vigilar o a cuidarse de alguna cosa, hasta una admonición o incluso el amenazar con violencia o represalias <the coastal towns had been warned about the hurricane>.
  • Forewarn recalca lo oportuno de la advertencia, indicando que ésta se hace en anticipación de un riesgo o peligro previsto <patients must be forewarned about these side effects>.
  • Caution recalca el aconsejar que alguien se proteja, o connota precauciones contra un riesgo o peligro previsto o presente <the doctor cautioned him against overeating>.

Reverse translation for warn

advertir  - to warn, to notice, to tell 
alertar  - to alert 
avisar  - to notify, to inform, to advise, to warn 
informar  - to report, to inform