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2 Translation results for anger in Spanish

noun | verb

anger noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
enojo, enfado, ira, cólera, rabia
word of the day image
A woman experiencing anger

Example sentences of
anger noun

  • He couldn't hide his anger with us.
  • You could hear the anger in his voice.
  • The group expressed its anger over the company's arrogance.
  • He said that he had no anger towards the person who shot him.
  • He never raised his voice in anger.
  • She was shaking in anger.

Synonyms of
anger noun

Detailed synonyms for anger noun

Anger, ire, outrage, rage, fury, indignation, wrath significan excitación emocional inducida por un disgusto intenso.
  • Anger el término más general, identifica la reacción emocional, pero no acarrea en sí nada sobre la intensidad, la justificación o la manifestación de este estado <the depth of the voters' anger was evident in the election results>.
  • Ire más común en contextos literarios, puede connotar una mayor intensidad de emoción y a menudo puede mostrarse <this comment aroused the ire of the chairman>.
  • Outrage connota ira fuerte evocada por un agravio o un insulto <his outrage seemed excessive>.
  • Rage connota la pérdida del autocontrol emocional, a menudo con violentas exteriorizaciones <screaming with rage>.
  • Fury indica una ira incontenible que raya en la locura <in her fury she hurled a lamp at his head>.
  • Indignation destaca una ira justificada hacia lo que uno considera injusto, cruel, intolerable o vergonzoso <her growing indignation at being kept waiting>.
  • Wrath puede connotar ira o indignación acompañada de un deseo o intención de venganza o castigo <his grandfather's anger was like the wrath of an Old Testament prophet>.

anger verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
angered, has angered, is angering, angers
enojar, enfadar

Example sentences of
anger verb

  • They were shocked and angered by the company's arrogance.
  • He was angered to learn that he had been fired.
  • It angered me that she would say something like that.
  • He's a gentle man who's not easily angered.
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Related phrases for anger

Reverse translation for anger

enojo  - anger, annoyance 
enfado  - anger, annoyance 
ira  - wrath, anger 
cólera  - anger, rage, cholera 
rabia  - rabies, hydrophobia, rage, anger 
enojar  - to anger, to annoy, to upset 
enfadar  - to annoy, to make angry, to bore