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merriam webster

1 Translation result for ascends in Spanish


ascend verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
ascended, has ascended, is ascending, ascends
ascender, subir; subir a, escalar

Example sentences of
ascend verb

  • They watched their balloons slowly ascend into the sky.
  • Divers must not ascend too rapidly to the water's surface.
  • She believed that when she died, her soul would ascend to heaven.
  • Several paths ascend to the top of the mountain.
  • stairs ascending to the attic
  • John Adams ascended to the presidency in 1797.
  • She worked as a clerk before ascending to her current position.

Synonyms of
ascend verb

Detailed synonyms for ascend verb

1. Ascend, mount, climb, scale significan moverse hacia arriba o hacia una cima.
  • Ascend indica un movimiento progresivo hacia arriba <slowly ascended the staircase>.
    antonyms: descend
  • Mount connota subirse a algo elevado <mounting his horse>.
    antonyms: dismount
  • Climb connota el esfuerzo que conlleva el movimiento hacia arriba y se usa cuando la situación supone alguna dificultad <climbed the mountain>.
    antonyms: descend
  • Scale connota habilidad y destreza en el movimiento hacia arriba <he had tried scaling the wall>.
2. See: Rise

Reverse translation for ascends

ascender  - to ascend, to rise up, to promote, to be promoted 
subir  - to bring up, to take up, to go up, to come up, to climb, to go up, to rise, to increase, to raise, to be promoted 
escalar  - to climb, to scale, to go climbing, to escalate 
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