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2 Translation results for attacks in Spanish

noun | verb

attack noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
ataque, asalto, acometida; crisis

Example sentences of
attack noun

  • The immune system is the body's defense against attack by germs.
  • The spray protects plants from attacks by many common pests.
  • The surprise attack came at dawn.
  • There is a threat of nuclear attack.
  • There have been many attacks against the professor for her position on the issue.
  • The newspaper editorial is an attack on policy-makers.

Detailed synonyms for attack noun

1. Attack, assault, onslaught, onset, ambush, aggression, offense, offensive significan acción en una lucha por establecer supremacía militar o atlética, o un intento de herir, destruir, o defamar.
  • Attack sea sobre la persona o el carácter, indica animosidad o enemistad como motivo, pero puede asimismo indicar otros motivos como la crueldad, el partidismo o la crítica <a speech attacking governmental policies>.
  • Assault indica una mayor violencia, con más malicia o saña, y a menudo indica el causar daños más graves que attack, a veces con connotaciones legales o militares específicas <a victim of a brutal assault>.
  • Onslaught connota un vigoroso y destructivo intento de abrumar a fuerza del ímpetu, de números o de intensidad <prepared for a fierce verbal onslaught from the other party>.
  • Onset se aplica tanto al ataque inicial como a toda renovación sucesiva en la fuerza del ataque <the sudden onset of winter>.
  • Ambush implica un ataque sorpresa, frecuentemente desde una posición oculta <many soldiers were killed in the ambush>.
  • Aggression recalca la falta de provocación y el deseo de conquista o dominio, generalmente mediante una invasión militar del territorio de otro <a war of aggression>.
  • Offense caracteriza la posición o los métodos de los atacantes, con referencia particular a su deseo de supremacía <abandoned their defensive posture and went on the offense>.
  • Offensive indica una vigorosa agresión en la acción, sobre todo en un contexto bélico, o puede también denotar un episodio particular caracterizado por tal acción <an economic offensive intended to end the recession>.
2. See: Fit

attack verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
attacked, has attacked, is attacking, attacks
atacar, asaltar, agredir; acometer, combatir, enfrentarse con

Example sentences of
attack verb

  • He attacked the guard with a knife.
  • Troops attacked the fortress at dawn.
  • The troops attacked at dawn.
  • People are attacking the mayor for breaking campaign promises.
  • The professor has been widely attacked for her position on the issue.
  • Did you see the way the kids attacked that pizza?

Synonyms of
attack verb

Detailed synonyms for attack verb

Attack, assault, assail, bombard, storm, charge significan ir en contra (de algo o alguien) de forma más o menos violenta.
  • Attack indica tomar agresivamente la iniciativa en una lucha <seek new ways to attack the problem of poverty>.
  • Assault connota un intento directo de vencer o de conquistar por lo violento y repentino de la arremetida en un enfrentamiento directo <troops assaulted the building from all sides>.
  • Assail indica intentar conquistar o vencer la resistencia a base de golpes o tiros repetidos <assailed the town with their artillery>.
  • Bombard se aplica al hecho de atacar, de forma continua y devastadora, con bombas o proyectiles <bombarded the city nightly with mortar fire>.
  • Storm indica un intento de arrasar con todo obstáculo que se interponga en el camino a la victoria <a fortress that was never successfully stormed>.
  • Charge indica precipitarse en contra, a pie o a caballo <fans charged the stage but were beaten back>.

Reverse translation for attacks

ataque  - attack, assault, fit 
asalto  - assault, mugging, robbery, round (in boxing) 
acometida  - attack, assault 
crisis  - crisis 
atacar  - to attack 
asaltar  - to assault, to mug, to rob 
agredir  - to assail, to attack 
acometer  - to attack, to assail, to undertake, to begin 
combatir  - to combat, to fight against, to fight 
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