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1 Translation result for curious in Spanish


curious adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
curioso; raro

Example sentences of
curious adjective

  • The cat was naturally curious about its new surroundings.
  • They were curious to find out who won the game.
  • We're curious about why you never called us.
  • I'm curious to know more about her.
  • She found a curious old clock in the attic.
  • The birds were engaged in some curious behavior.
  • Their music is a curious blend of disco and rock.
  • By a curious coincidence, they bought a house the same day their old one burned down.
¿Sabías esto?
  • Aunque curious se deletrea con ou, curiosity se deletrea con o.

Detailed synonyms for curious adjective

1. Curious, inquisitive, prying, nosy, intrusive significan que se tiene interés en lo que no es de incumbencia personal o propia de uno.
  • Curious un término neutro, connota un deseo activo de aprender o de saber <children are curious about everything>.
    antonyms: incurious, uninterested
  • Inquisitive connota una curiosidad impertinente y habitual, el hacer preguntas constantemente y el escudriñar en busca de información <dreaded the visits of their inquisitive relatives>.
    antonyms: incurious
  • Prying indica un animado entrometimiento y oficiosidad <prying neighbors who refuse to mind their own business>.
  • Nosy connota la tendencia de curiosear en los asuntos de alguien más <her nosy cousin>.
  • Intrusive sugiere mostrar curiosidad insistente e inoportuna <his constant, intrusive questions>.
2. See: Strange
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Reverse translation for curious

curioso  - curious, inquisitive, strange, unusual, odd 
raro  - odd, strange, peculiar, unusual, rare, exceptional