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2 Translation results for influence in Spanish

noun | verb

influence noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
influencia, influjo

Example sentences of
influence noun

  • Recent years have seen a decline in the company's influence within the industry.
  • Her ideas have gradually gained influence in the company.
  • He used his influence to reform the company's policies.
  • She has remained under the influence of her parents.
  • She claims that her personal problems played no influence upon her decision to resign.
  • His health problems may have had some influence on his decision.
  • Her parents still have a great deal of influence over her.
  • The chairman wields considerable influence over the board's decisions.
  • Her parents are concerned that her new friends may have a bad influence on her.
  • Emily Dickinson has had a major influence on his poetry.

Synonyms of
influence noun

Detailed synonyms for influence noun

Influence, authority, weight, clout, pull significan un poder que se ejerce sobre las mentes o el comportamiento de otros.
  • Influence puede aplicarse a una fuerza o poder que se ejerce, de manera consciente o inconsciente, con el fin de guiar o determinar una línea de conducta o un efecto <used all his influence to get the bill passed>.
  • Authority indica un poder que proviene del mérito personal o del saber y que exige la devoción, la lealtad o la aceptación <he lacked his father's authority>.
  • Weight indica una influencia mensurable o decisiva en la determinación de acciones o decisiones <the wishes of the president obviously carried a lot of weight>.
  • Clout sugiere el poder para influenciar o controlar situaciones <she used her political clout to have another school built>.
  • Pull, un término informal, indica una influencia especial y frecuentemente no oficial <has the kind of pull that can get you tickets to the game>.

influence verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
influenced, has influenced, is influencing, influences
influenciar, influir en

Example sentences of
influence verb

  • I was deeply influenced by my parents.
  • She claims that her decision to resign was not influenced by her personal problems.
  • No one knows how this decision will influence the outcome of the election.
  • He's accused of illegally attempting to influence the jury.

Synonyms of
influence verb

Detailed synonyms for influence verb

See: Affect

Related phrases for influence

Reverse translation for influence

influencia  - influence 
influjo  - influence 
influenciar  - to influence