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2 Translation results for scoff in Spanish

verb | noun

scoff verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
scoffed, has scoffed, is scoffing, scoffs
burlarse, mofarse, ridiculizar

Example sentences of
scoff verb

  • Sometimes an innovator is scoffed at by his peers before his ideas are celebrated.

Synonyms of
scoff verb

Detailed synonyms for scoff verb

Scoff, jeer, gibe, sneer, flout significan mostrar uno su desprecio mediante el escarnio y la mofa.
  • Scoff recalca un escarnio motivado por la insolencia, la falta de respeto o la incredulidad <scoffed at all religion>.
  • Jeer connota un escarnio que es más tosco y que no discrimina <the crowd jeered the visiting team>.
  • Gibe indica una mofa que se hace en tono amistoso o sarcástico <gibed at him for repeatedly missing the ball>.
  • Sneer recalca el insultar mediante un gesto, una manera de hablar o un tono de voz que expresa desprecio <sneered at anything romantic>.
  • Flout recalca el mostrar desprecio al rehusarse a aceptar, o al negar la verdad o el poder de una cosa <flouted the conventions of society>.
    antonyms: revere

scoff noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
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Reverse translation for scoff

burlarse  - to make fun of, to taunt, to jeer 
mofarse  - to scoff at, to make fun of 
ridiculizar  - to ridicule 
burla  - mockery, ridicule, joke, trick