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2 Translation results for soak in Spanish

verb | noun

soak verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
soaked, has soaked, is soaking, soaks
estar en remojo; poner en remojo

Example sentences of
soak verb

  • You should soak those dirty clothes before you wash them.
  • The beans soaked in water overnight.
  • He relaxed and soaked in the tub.
  • After planting the seeds, soak the soil.
  • She soaked the dog with the hose.
  • His shirt was soaked with sweat.
  • I was soaked by the rain.
  • The oil soaked into the wood.
  • Sweat soaked through his shirt.
  • Rain soaked through her jacket.

Synonyms of
soak verb

Detailed synonyms for soak verb

Soak, saturate, drench, steep, impregnate significan permear o permearse con un líquido.
  • Soak indica una inmersión, normalmente prolongada, que resulta en estar completamente mojado, ensuavizado o disuelto <soak the clothes to remove the stains>.
  • Saturate indica una absorción que llega al punto en que no se puede contener más líquido <gym clothes saturated with sweat>.
  • Drench indica el mojarse por completo con algo que cae sobre uno o puede verterse sobre uno <the cloudburst drenched us to the skin>.
  • Steep connota una inmersión y un remojo que resulta en la extracción de una esencia por el líquido <tea must be steeped in boiling water>.
  • Impregnate indica la completa penetración de una por otra <a cake impregnated with brandy>.

soak noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
soak noun

  • I had a long, hot soak in the tub.
  • felt sorry for the town soak, who couldn't hold a job
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Phrasal verbs for soak

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