golpear (a una persona); golpear; atacar; suprimir, tachar; declararse en huelga; acuñar (monedas); dar (la hora); sobrevenir; impresionar, parecer; encender (un fósforo); descubrir (oro, petróleo); adoptar (una pose, etc.)
Example sentences of
•The ship struck an iceberg.
•The car struck the tree.
•The bullet struck him in the leg.
•The cyclist was struck by a car.
•The tree was struck by lightning.
More examples
•He fell and his head struck the pavement.
•I could hear the rain striking the rooftop.
•She struck the cymbals together.
•The killer struck him with a blunt object.
•She accidentally struck another player in the face.
Strike puede indicar básicamente el dirigir y asestar un golpe con la mano, un arma o una herramienta, y con una fuerza moderada o intensa <the tree had been struck by lightning>.
Hit suele recalcar el impacto del golpe, o la reacción de la persona o cosa que lo recibe <the children were hitting each other>.
Slap se aplica primordialmente al acto de golpear con la mano abierta, e indica un golpe que es agudo, o que hace escocer, y que se asesta con la palma de la mano <waves slapped against the boat>.
Swat connota un golpe que bofetea con fuerza, y que se da con un instrumento tal como un matamoscas o un bate de béisbol <he could swat a baseball out of the ballpark>.
Punch indica un golpe rápido y agudo dado con el puño o algo similar <punched him in the face>.
Whack, un término informal, significa pegar, generalmente con un implemento <whacked the bull on its nose>.
Sock, belt, smack son términos informales que significan pegar, generalmente con un puño o un implemento <socked him in the jaw><belted the ball straight into the pitcher's glove><told how she had smacked the guy right in the face>.